Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lifting Club Newsletter

Lifting Club Takes a Break

Dear Chums,
I regret to inform you that I will not be able to send any Lifting Club emails over spring break because I will be in the Bahamas partying like a rock star. And by Bahamas I mean Concord, Massachusetts and by partying I mean visiting colleges. It’s sometimes hard to be this cool.

Anyway, I’m all done with exams, but I’ll be keeping this email brief. I’ll try to continue the FAQ format in the future because there’s plenty more questions that need answering, but today is going to be informal.

Stuff I will hopefully be doing over break:
- Buying a pair of Vibram Five Fingers
- Run in and wear aforementioned Vibram Five Fingers
- Be ridiculed by friends and family for aforementioned Vibram Fingers
- Cry myself to sleep
- Build a TRX for only $20 (this will involve me watching Chris do everything)
- Build some fat grip attachments (again, this will involve me watching Chris do everything)
- Build a medicine ball (I might be able to do this one myself, but it’s safer if Chris does)
- Learn how to make beef jerky and pemmican (so I can have caveman snacks at school)
- Experiment with adjusting my sleep cycle (going to sleep and rising earlier)
- Read a lot of books
- Lift heavy stuff
- Eat lots of tasty animals and vegetables
- Learn to break dance (who doesn’t?)
- Get better at jumping rope (again, who doesn’t?)
- Hang out with all those friends that I have because I am cool like that…
I’ve made a list of books I want to read, knowing that I’ll never finish them all in two weeks. Any of them are worth checking out if you’re a loser like me and like to read.
- Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers: an update guide to stress, stress-related diseases, and coping by Robert Sapolsky
- Blink: the power of thinking without thinking by Malcom Gladwell
- My Losing Season by Pat Conroy
- In Search of Memory: the emergence of a new science of mind by Eric R. Kandel
- The Paleo Diet for Athletes: a nutritional formula for peak athletic performance by Loren Cordain
Before I finish, I found a great article talking about light’s effect on sleep that Mark Sisson posted days after my newsletter. I think he’s copying me. If you’re lazy, just read the bold text.

Have an awesome spring break,

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